Fraternity Voluntarily Agrees to Sanctions in Lieu of Disciplinary Hearing

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University and the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity have agreed to disciplinary measures that will negate the need for a conduct hearing. The fraternity was charged with violations stemming from a party and subsequent fight that left a student seriously injured on March 30-31.

The Gamma Xi chapter of the fraternity was charged with violations including serving alcohol to minors and creating an atmosphere conducive to violence. A disciplinary hearing before the university conduct board, previously set for today, has now been canceled.

During the past two weeks, the PKA National Fraternity has become involved in the investigation. National officials have independently taken steps to remove some 22 members of the chapter. They have also agreed to the chapter’s voluntary cessation of member recruitment activities for the summer and formal, university-sponsored fall period recruitment.

“Pi Kappa Alpha finds the activities that took place on March 30-31 to be entirely unacceptable, and is grateful for the work of the Chapter’s student leaders, University personnel and local alumni to develop a plan that will allow Gamma Xi Chapter to resume a successful relationship with the Washington State University community,” said Eric Wulf, PKA National executive director.

The chapter will be required to have a live-in advisor and a new alumni board will be established. Two members of the board will be appointed by WSU. Milton Lang, president of the Council on Campus Climate, will be one of the WSU appointees to the board.

PKA’s charter is suspended and the chapter will be without recognition through the fall term. No freshmen may live in the fraternity during that time and the chapter may not participate in any official university or WSU interfraternity activities.

If there are no new infractions of the conduct code by the chapter, WSU anticipates granting recognition in the spring of 2002. The chapter will then be on probation until the end of fall semester, 2002.

One member of PKA Gamma Xi has been criminally charged regarding the events of March 30-31. If he has not been cleared of these charges by the beginning of fall term, 2001, PKA Gamma Xi voluntarily agrees not to let him return to the fraternity until such time as he has been exonerated of all charges.

“Washington State University is committed to its Greek system and the protection of all its students. We believe that this is a fair resolution to the issues involved, and that the sanctions imposed will protect the WSU community from future violations involving PKA,” said WSU Provost Ron Hopkins. “The actions taken by PKA National Fraternity, its commitment to provide significant support and guidance to the chapter, and the chapter’s 72 years of fruitful association with WSU have made this outcome possible.”

Scott Stewart, chair of the new alumni board, said the sanctions should not be underestimated. “These sanctions are very severe and will have a significant economic impact on the chapter. But with the help of our alumni and international organization, we can survive and become stronger as a result of this process.”