WSU Concert Choir Plans Final Concert Before European Tour

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Washington State University Concert Choir will perform its final home concert of the school year April 26. The 8 p.m. program, set for Bryan Hall Auditorium, is open to the public without charge.

Directed by Lori Wiest and Julie Anne Wieck, the 44-member choir will perform several works planned as part of its upcoming tour program, including pieces by Colfax-born composer Morten Lauridsen and other selections by American composers and arrangers Edwin Fissinger, Randall Thompson, Moses Hogan and Joseph Flummerfelt. Also featured will be motets by Brahms and a set of English church music pieces by Orlando Gibbons, Herbert Howells and William H. Harris.

Opening the choral concert will be the WSU Madrigal Singers, conducted by Wiest. The 23-member ensemble will perform madrigals by English Renaissance composers William Byrd, John Wilbye, Thomas Tomkins and John Weelkes.

The University Singers, directed by Charles Neufeld, also will perform during the concert. The group will present an eclectic program of Renaissance, Romantic and contemporary music, including “Past Life Melodies” by Sarah Hopkins, a piece that mixes chants and aboriginal Australian sounds.

The choir departs for Germany on May 16. During its two-week tour, the singers will perform in Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Choir members personally raised the money for the tour.
