WSU Moves to Discipline Fraternity Involved in Weekend Fight

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University has issued an interim suspension, pending a full disciplinary hearing, for the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Among other charges, the organization is accused of serving alcohol to minors and creating an atmosphere conducive to violence.

Preliminary results of an investigation into a fight this past weekend that left several students injured have resulted in the accelerated disciplinary action. Effective immediately, no freshmen may continue to live in the fraternity house, PKA may not participate in any official university events and may not function as a recognized organization.

A full disciplinary hearing will be held within 10 business days. If PKA is found guilty of the charges, the sanctions become permanent and the organization would lose its official recognition, effectively closing the fraternity.

The investigation into the fight continues and individual students, both within and outside the Greek system, may be subject to the disciplinary hearing process. Pullman police are also investigating and criminal charges may be filed.

According to witnesses, there were a number of people engaged in fights related to a party at the PKA house. One individual was knocked to the ground and at least two people were seen kicking him while he was down. Investigators are working with eyewitnesses to identify those who were engaged in the assault.

“We are working hard, with the cooperation of most of our students, to create an environment that does not embrace violence. To make that environment a reality, any student or member of our community who promotes or engages in violent behavior will be subject to discipline as defined by our code of conduct,” said President V. Lane Rawlins. “I am deeply saddened by this event and regret that there were injuries. I pledge my full efforts for the elimination of violence on our campus.”

WSU student body President Steve Wymer expressed his concerns about the situation. “Violence of any kind is harmful for our campus and is not condoned by WSU students or their government. I was disturbed and disappointed to hear of another incident involving a fraternity. I am confident that the investigation will reveal and hold individuals accountable in an appropriate manner.

“I urge the WSU campus community to carefully consider all of the facts and findings of the case before coming to conclusions. Unfortunately, these kinds of situations are a poor representation of the many fine students and people that make up our institution,” said Wymer.

A full hearing into the charges is expected to be held next week.
