WSU’s High-Tech Research Center Gains New Members, Reaches Record Level

PULLMAN, Wash. — While the high-tech economy slides, Washington State University’s Center for Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits continues to grow, reaching a new record membership. Four companies recently signed up with the center, joining the ranks of nearly 30 national firms in the microelectronics and semiconductor industries, including such industry giants as Motorola, Honeywell, Texas Instruments and Boeing.

Intersil Corp., Legerity Inc., GlobeSpan Inc. and Maxim Integrated Products are CDADIC’s new industry partners. As members in the research consortium, the companies will have access to cutting-edge circuit design research conducted at four of the center’s affiliated universities: WSU (headquarters), University of Washington, Oregon State University, and State University of New York at Stony Brook.

John Ringo, CDADIC director, is not surprised by continued interest in the center. Companies that want to survive in this highly competitive industry must stay ahead of the curve, he said.

“Some of our faculty are world known for their innovative circuit design work,” said Ringo. “Our industry members know that the research coming out of our center will lead to improved products as well as new products.”

Having access to CDADIC students is another major benefit for member companies. Dale Klotz, design manager for Intersil’s Seattle office, said his company joined CDADIC for a number of reasons, including “to develop long-term relationships with the center’s faculty that will lead to mutually beneficial discoveries and to identify highly qualified prospective employees.”

The center, one of the country’s 53 National Science Foundation’s Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers, focuses on mixed-signal circuitry and systems. Today, CDADIC is one of the few university-led research efforts in the nation dedicated to designing chips for mixed-signal applications and has gained an international reputation in the field. Research conducted at the center has wide applications, from use in medical and space technology to communications and transportation systems.

More information can be obtained by visiting the CDADIC Web site at or e-mailing
