CBS Pollster Kathleen Frankovic, WSU Professor Don Dillman to Speak on the 2000 Election

PULLMAN, Wash. — CBS pollster Kathleen Frankovic will discuss exit polls and the lessons of election night at an April 5 Washington State University forum on the 2000 presidential election. The forum will take place at 5-6:30 p.m. in Todd Hall, Room 216 on the Pullman campus.

The forum also will include WSU professor of sociology Donald Dillman, an internationally recognized contributor to the development of modern mail and telephone survey methods. Dillman will explore the impact of butterfly ballots on the 2000 election outcome. He has titled his presentation “Why Butterfly Ballots Turned Gore Votes into Buchanan Votes.”

As director of surveys and producer for CBS News, Frankovic is responsible for the design, analysis and broadcasting of results from CBS and CBS/New York Times polls. In recent election years, she was senior producer for CBS News election coverage. She occasionally appears with Dan Rather on “CBS Nightly News” to analyze poll results.

Before going to CBS in 1977, Frankovic was a political science professor at the University of Vermont and, in 1997, was professional-in-residence at University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School of Communication. She is president-elect of the World Association for Public Opinion Research and co-author of two books, “The Election of 1980” and “The Election of 1992.” Frankovic received a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University in 1968 and a doctorate from Rutgers University in 1974.

Dillman is the Thomas S. Foley Distinguished Professor in the departments of sociology and rural sociology and deputy director for research and development in WSU’s Social and Economic Sciences Research Center. From 1991-95, he was senior survey methodologist with the U.S. Bureau of the Census, where he led the development of new questionnaire designs and procedures for the 2000 Decennial Census and other government surveys.

His contributions led to his receiving the 2000 Roger Herriot Award for innovation in federal statistics. His book, “Mail and Telephone Surveys: The Total Design Method” (1978), was recognized by the Institute for Scientific Information as a “Citation Classic.” He is president-elect of the American Association for Public Opinion Research.

WSU’s Edward R. Murrow School of Communication, Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service, and SESRC sponsor the forum.
