WSU Names Student Affairs Vice President

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University President V. Lane Rawlins has named Charlene K. Jaeger, a Millersville (Pa.) University administrator, to the vice president for student affairs post at WSU.

Jaeger has served since 1995 as associate vice president for student affairs/student development for the Pennsylvania school.

Rawlins said the new vice president brings many experiences to the position. “In her current position she has provided outstanding leadership for numerous units, including on- and off-campus programs as well as units covering career services, Greek life, campus recreation, cultural affairs, student diversity and health services. Her breadth of knowledge in all aspects of student affairs will serve Washington State University well.”

Jaeger also directed her attention into facilities master planning, accreditation, enrollment management, in-service training, community service, and housing and residential programs.

“I’m excited to be joining Washington State University and President Rawlins’ team,” Jaeger said. “During my interview visits to the Pullman campus, I felt very welcomed by faculty, staff and students.

“My previous research and on-site visits have convinced me that WSU is a great institution with its own unique culture, challenges and opportunities,” she said. “I was particularly impressed with student leadership in the concept, design and completion of the new Student Recreation Center. That work is a great testimony to the positive results that flow from student, faculty and staff collaboration. WSU’s academic reputation, support for students’ personal growth and students’ research opportunities are significant reasons I am proud to be joining the WSU family.”

At Millersville University, she coordinated a five-year strategic program review for student development departments. She was active in the school’s new student orientation program and initiated diversity components for student retreats, training and programming initiatives.

Jaeger served as an admissions counselor at Virginia’s Longwood College in Farmville before accepting her first position at the University of Delaware in 1978. While on the Newark campus, she was an admissions officer, assistant director and assistant dean. In 1997, she became associate dean of admissions, and a year later, assistant to the vice president for student life.

Jaeger earned her undergraduate and master’s degrees from Kansas’ Emporia State University. She received a doctoral of education from the University of Delaware at Newark.

The WSU student affairs unit was led by K.J. “Gus” Kravas, vice provost for student affairs, from 1992 until June 30, 1999, when he accepted a position at the University of California at Riverside.
