Health Care Providers Anxious to Recruit Nursing Graduates

SPOKANE, Wash. — Hospitals, primary care centers, home care agencies, outpatient surgical centers and other health care facilities in many regions, including the Pacific Northwest, are feeling the pinch of the nursing shortage and looking for ways to attract skilled nurses.

To help meet the demand, the Intercollegiate College of Nursing/Washington State University College of Nursing has invited health care providers to the college campus on March 26 to meet and recruit students who will graduate in May.

From 10 a.m.-1 p.m., the college will hold its fourth consecutive Career Celebration event at 2917 W. Fort George Wright Dr. More than 20 providers will be at the Spokane nursing campus prepared with job opportunities, refreshments and unique strategies to attract top nursing students to their organizations. Displays and booths will be set up throughout the first floor hallway and atrium area.

“The Career Celebration is an opportunity for students who are ready to graduate from the program, as well as those anticipating graduation in the months to come, to network with potential employers and find a professional fit,” said Bronwynne Evans, assistant professor of nursing and event co-chair.

Because of the continuing nursing shortage, the event is held each semester so employers have the opportunity to recruit graduating nurses and nurse technicians to fill openings and, in some cases, keep their facilities or wings open.

According to Evans, the event gives providers a chance to show students various nursing positions and perks that are part of the employment mix. “Today’s nurses must master a challenging combination of scientific, technological, public-policy and direct-care disciplines. Our students have had extensive patient care practice and theory as part of their clinical experience and are ready to step into a professional nursing career,” she said.

The placement rate for the 150 annual graduates has been 100 percent at the College of Nursing for the past several semesters. Evans says it is not uncommon for students to receive multiple professional offers before and upon graduating.

For more information about the College of Nursing visit the Web site at
