Sixth Annual Women and Leadership Forum Organized March 29 at WSU

PULLMAN, Wash. — The sixth annual Women and Leadership Forum is set for March 29 at Washington State University’s Compton Union Building.

Following registration from 8-8:30 a.m., WSU President V. Lane Rawlins and Planning Committee Chair Janis Hall will open the program with introductions.

At 8:50 a.m. an hour-long panel discussion, “Courage and Vision for the New Millennium,” will be facilitated by Muriel Oaks, Extended University Services, and feature three panelists, all business leaders. The panelists include Phyllis Campbell, WSU regent and president of US Bank, Washington; Elizabeth Cowles, WSU regent and vice president of Cowles Publishing Co.; and Patty Ward, WSU alumna and retired senior vice president of Bank of America.

Panelists will focus on such topics as how to balance professional, personal and spiritual life, the skills women need to succeed in a competitive business environment, and how the rise of women as leaders and the growth of technology are changing models of work.

Following a break from 10-10:15 a.m., concurrent sessions under the theme “Establishing Priorities for the New Century” are planned until noon. Two sessions, set for 10:15-11 a.m., include the following panels: “Higher Education,” led by psychology professor Fran McSweeney, WSU Faculty Senate Chair, with panelists Campbell, Dean Barbara Couture, College of Liberal Arts, Dean Judy Mitchell, College of Education, and Dean Mary Wack, Honors College; and “Science and Technology,” led by Shira Broschat, Electrical and Computer Engineering chair, with panelists Mary Doyle, Information Technology and WSU Libraries director, Anne Hirsch, associate dean, College of Nursing, and Ursula Mazur, chemistry professor.

The 11:10-noon sessions include “Public Service,” led by Sue Hinz, WSU Week editor and assistant director of News Bureau, with panelists Anita Afzali, ASWSU Minority Affairs director, Cowles and Nora Mae Keifer, retired Whitman County Commissioner; and “Business,” moderated by Sheri Russell, Center for Human Rights assistant director, with panelists Marsha Royer, vice president, human resources, Schweitzer Engineering, Chris Paxson, associate dean, College of Business and Economics, and Ward.

The Women’s Recognition Luncheon will be held from noon-1:30 p.m. in the CUB Ballroom.

From 1:45-4 p.m. a workshop, “Strategic Priorities,” led by Lavon Frazier, assistant director of Information Technology, will assess external and internal environments, identify key goals for women and leadership at WSU, and design strategies to meet those goals.

The forum is organized by the Women and Leadership Alliance. Registration for the forum is due by March 16. There is no registration fee.
