Loge Wins Faculty Early Career Development Award

PULLMAN, Wash. — Frank Loge, a Washington State University civil and environmental engineering faculty member, has received the Faculty Early Career Development Award, the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious honor for scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers.

Along with the award, Loge, who has been at WSU for two years, receives a five-year grant of $350,000. The award recognizes outstanding scientists and engineers who, early in their careers, show exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of knowledge.

“This prestigious award confirms that Dr. Loge is an extraordinarily gifted young engineer who is on his way to being a 21st century leader in his field and an outstanding educator of the next generation of engineers,’’ said Jim Petersen, associate dean of the College of Engineering and Architecture. “With his talent, ability and dedication, he is on the cutting edge of public health engineering and will take Washington State University far in this area of research and education.’’

Loge’s current research projects focus on coupling an understanding of the relationship between the structure and function of engineered and natural systems and environmental/public health. He received the award for his work looking at the health risks associated with wastewater disinfection.

“Water is becoming much more of a precious commodity,’’ he said. “We’re re-using it on a much more frequent basis, and treated wastewater is being used for irrigation or even drinking water.’’

While this trend is accepted by the engineering community, the public has been slow to accept it, he said. His work will help provide community leaders with scientific evidence they need to make decisions regarding wastewater recycling.

Loge earned his doctoral and master’s degrees from the University of California at Davis.
