College of Nursing Changes Name

Editor’s note: A Web quality image of the new Intercollegiate College of Nursing/Washington State University College of Nursing identity is available on the Web at .

SPOKANE, Wash. — The Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education/ Washington State University College of Nursing today announced it has changed the name of its consortium to the Intercollegiate College of Nursing.

Effective today, students, faculty and the community will begin to see the new name appearing on stationery, business cards, signage and other internal and external materials and identification.

The name change to the Intercollegiate College of Nursing clearly identifies the activities as higher education-related and further positions the college and consortium activities as collaborative endeavors. The nursing consortium includes four partner institutions — Eastern Washington University, Gonzaga University, WSU and Whitworth College.

According to Dean Dorothy Detlor, nursing education activities should be aligned with the community and should carry a strong brand that is well-recognized within the nursing profession and is easily identified for external audiences not familiar with the College of Nursing activities. “The name change clearly acknowledges that we are a college offering higher education and professional nursing courses,” said Detlor.

The contemporary new logo reflects the changing role of nursing and nursing education, placing the focus on the words that describe the consortium instead of a symbol. Additionally, the type style and emphasis on the “nursing” component of the name brings attention to the reason the college and consortium exist. The new logo can be viewed on the college Web site at .

“In my travels around the country as a member of a national task force looking at nursing education, I’ve noticed many colleges of nursing moving to a more diverse and flexible approach to their marketing, branding and overall identity,” Detlor said. “Our 33-year legacy of educational excellence, service and research will continue to be the foundation as we move forward with our new name in a new year.”

Established in 1968, the Intercollegiate College of Nursing is the nation’s first, oldest and most comprehensive nursing education consortium. It offers baccalaureate, graduate and professional development course work to nursing students enrolled through its four consortium partners. The college educates more than 550 graduate and undergraduate students each year and is the largest undergraduate nursing college in the state. For more information about the College of Nursing, visit the Web site at
