WSU Fraternity Loses Recognition

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University has severely disciplined Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity for violations of policies governing alcohol use. The fraternity is on probation for the remainder of the semester and the chapter will lose its university recognition beginning Dec. 22.

The University Conduct Board determined that chapter members held an open bar and served minors in the house on at least two occasions. The board also found that chapter leaders were ineffective and failed to seek assistance when they could not control the situation.

Under sanctions imposed by the conduct board, the fraternity will be prohibited from participating in any social functions and may only hold regular chapter meetings until the end of the fall semester. Effective Dec. 22, the chapter will also lose first-year student housing status and no freshmen may remain in the house. Fraternity members will no longer be allowed to function as an organized living group and may not access university services and facilities.

WSU will confer with the TKE national organization and with the TKE corporate board to determine the disposition of the house.

The fraternity may apply for reinstatement of its official recognition in the spring of 2002. However, the chapter must meet certain criteria to qualify. Conditions include hiring a live-in house advisor / manager with approval from the university and developing an approved risk management plan. If the fraternity obtains university recognition it will still be on probation for at least one complete semester after reopening.

Currently there are two other fraternities at WSU that have lost university recognition for conduct code violations. WSU presently recognizes a total of 24 fraternities and 14 sororities.

The University Conduct Board is comprised of students, faculty and staff.