Education Policies Forum Planned for Spokane

PULLMAN, Wash. — What will be the impact of the passage of Initiative 728? If Washington needs more teachers because of the lower class sizes funded by the initiative, given the present shortage of teachers, where will those new teachers come from? Who will provide the teacher training funded by the initiative?

Those questions and others will be discussed at the Education Policies Forum: A Discussion with K-12 School Administrators, Higher Education Representatives and Local Legislators. The forum is co-sponsored by the Washington State University College of Education and WSU Spokane.

The luncheon forum will be held from noon-2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14, in Salon 1 of the Grand Ballroom at the Doubletree Hotel, Spokane City Center, N. 322 Spokane Falls Court, Spokane.

Attending the forum will be K-12 school district superintendents from the Spokane region, administrators from local community colleges, and administrators from WSU Spokane and the WSU College of Education, as well as local legislators. A panel including Judy Mitchell, dean of the WSU College of Education; William Gray, dean of the WSU Spokane campus; and two area superintendents, will first discuss educational policies and legislative priorities. A second panel of local legislators will respond.