Oct. 29 Performance Part of Lesbian and Gay History Month

PULLMAN, Wash. — A musical performance by Seattle’s Something Else! is
set for 1:30 p.m. Oct. 29 as part of Washington State University’s Lesbian and
Gay History Month.

Open to the public at no charge, the Sunday event will be held in the Compton
Union Building Auditorium.

Under the direction of Chris Vincent, Something Else! is the small ensemble
and outreach arm of the Seattle Lesbian & Gay Chorus. It incorporates rich
choral traditions of Brahms, Vaughan Williams and Bernstein as well as
contemporary, jazz and pop styles, said Melynda Huskey, WSU Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual and Allies Center director.

The ensemble appears regularly with the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Chorus in
concerts. It has also appeared at events sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian
Choruses of America, including the Small Ensemble Festival in Muncie, Ind.,
and the International Festival 2000 in San Jose, Calif.

For additional information, contact the GLBA Center, 509/335-6428.
