African-American Reparations Subject of Nov. 3 Talk at WSU

PULLMAN, Wash. — A speech on the historic rights of African Americans to reparations is scheduled for Nov. 3 on the Washington State University campus. The 2-4 p.m. public talk is planned for Todd Hall, Room 320.

Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua, a professor of historical studies at Southern Illinois University, will deliver the speech titled “‘We Has a Right to the Land’: African Americans’ Historic Right to Reparations.”

Cha-Jua has taught African and American studies at Pennsylvania State University and was the director of black studies at the University of Missouri. Currently, he is completing a book, “Black Power, Class and Dependency in Brooklyn, Illinois, 1830-1915.”

The event is part of the Comparative American Cultures Lecture Series and is co-sponsored by CAC, the history and English departments, the Office of the Vice Provost for Human Relations and Diversity, and the Western Journal of Black Studies.