WSU Seminar Explores “Avenues to a Freer Society”

PULLMAN, Wash. — Two speakers from New York’s Foundation for Economic Education will present a two-day “Frontiers of Freedom” seminar Friday and Saturday, Sept. 29-30, at Washington State University’s Compton Union Building. The seminar is offered in conjunction with the Maughmer Freedom Philosophy Day Program in the college of business and economics.

FEE President Donald J. Boudreaux and Director of High School Outreach Gregory Rehmke have scheduled five lectures: “Six Billion Reasons to Cheer;” “The Privacy Debate: The End of Privacy of the Transparent Society;” “Critiques of International Trade;” “Debunking the Myths of International Trade;” and “Closed Borders: The Contemporary Assault on Freedom of Movement.”

The seminar kicks off with a 5:30 p.m. reception Friday, followed by a dinner and speech. Saturday’s schedule starts at 8:30 a.m. with a buffet breakfast followed by speeches and a luncheon, and ends at 3:45 p.m. with closing remarks. The public is welcome. There is a $25 fee that includes meals, lectures and printed materials. WSU and UI students are admitted free to all presentations with current official university identification.

For more information and to register, phone FEE at 914/591-7230.