WSU Students Set Sept. 20 Presentation on Their Participation in International Youth Forum

PULLMAN, Wash. — Two Washington State University students, both YWCA of WSU members, will make public presentations on their participation in this summer’s International Youth Forum, held in Hannover, Germany.

Nominated by the YWCA of USA, Chandra Edwards of Pasco and Rahwa Habte of Seattle were the two U.S. students among some 60 delegates at the early August event, said Alice Coil of the YWCA.

The WSU students will begin their program at 5 p.m. Sept. 20 in the faculty lounge of the Compton Union Building, A reception follows.

According to Coil, the forum was “built upon the success of the Stop Racism campaign in Canada, providing a new opportunity for youth to further the global struggle against racism.” The United Nations recognizes the forum as an official part of the international preparations leading to the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in South Africa in 2001, she said.

Edwards, YWCA of WSU 2000-2001 student president, and Habte, programming chair for the National Student Council of the YWCA of USA, have served on the YWCA of WSU student cabinet since 1998. They have been active in racial justice work and served as WSU Martin Luther King Jr. Scholars.

“They brought to the forum a vision to help create the building blocks for the world of this new millennium. The forum transformed a global vision to an Action 2000 agenda focusing on inspiring young people to fight all forms of discrimination in their respective countries and communities,” said Coil.

For more information, contact the YWCA of WSU, 335-3916, or Coil, 335-7118.