‘Our Vision: Planning Together for Washington State’s Future’ Title of President Rawlins’ Sept. 18 All-University Address

PULLMAN, Wash. — “Our Vision: Planning Together for Washington State’s Future” is the title of Washington State University President V. Lane Rawlins’ fall 2000 all-university address, set for Sept. 18.

Held in historic Bryan Hall auditorium, his half-hour talk begins at 3 p.m. A reception follows.

“The key part of the address title is the word ‘our,'” Rawlins said. “Much can be accomplished by having a common vision, with faculty, staff, students and administrators working together for the common good.”

Rawlins became Washington State’s ninth president in June. Formerly University of Memphis president, his association with Washington State University started more than 30 years ago, when he joined the department of economics faculty. Later, Rawlins became department chair and then the university’s vice provost from 1981-86. He has received many honors for his leadership, communication skills and humanitarian commitments.