WSU VPLAC Plans Fall Series

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University’s Visual, Performing and
Literary Arts Committee will introduce its fall program series with a
performance, “Instruments for a New Music,” by Ela Lamblin and Leah Mann
of Lelavision Sept. 21. The performance is planned for 7:30 p.m. in the Fine
Arts Center Atrium.

Lamblin’s sculptures become the instruments with which he and
choreographer Mann explore new territories of sound and image — dancing in,
around, under and through an array of contraptions with such names as
Rumitone, Soundcycle and Orbacles.

VPLAC and Best Theaters Inc. present classic film visions of the future during
a fall Science Fiction Film Festival. The first offering is “Metropolis” at 7 p.m.
Sept. 28 in the Compton Union Building Auditorium.

At 7 and 9 p.m. on Oct. 3 and 4, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” and
“Fahrenheit 451” will play at a Pullman theater.

“The Time Machine” and “Brazil” will be featured at 7 and 9 p.m. Oct. 10 and
11, also at one of Pullman’s theaters.

The final sci-fi flicks are “The Illustrated Man” and “Sleeper” at 7 and 9 p.m.
Oct. 17 and 18 in downtown Pullman.

An Oct. 23 lecture, “The City After Now,” is planned for 7:30 p.m. in Carpenter
Hall, Room 102. Whether envisioning a retirement community with recreation
and social facilities or conceiving a plan for East Jerusalem that considers a
shared future for that troubled city, architect Michael Sorkin is best known for
his focus on visionary styles of architectural planning.

In addition, VPLAC is among the supporters for two other art offerings from
WSU this semester: the Museum of Art’s Sept. 11-Oct. 15 exhibition, “Morris
Graves: Instruments for a New Navigation”; and the Nov. 11 Washington
Idaho Symphony concert at Beasley Coliseum featuring works by Strauss and
Holst with multimedia images from the NASA Space Archive.

VPLAC performances are open to the public without charge. The committee
organizes a series of cultural programs each year around a central theme. Its
2000-01 theme is “Future Visions: Art as a Way of Looking at the Future.”
