Noon Art al la Carte Series Announced for Fall

PULLMAN, Wash. — Art a la Carte, Washington State University’s brown-bag
luncheon lecture series featuring scholars, artists, poets and others, begins
Sept. 28 with “What Science Fiction Films Keep Telling Us.” Michael
Delahoyde of WSU’s department of English is the speaker.

The Oct. 5 program, “Ottomans, Armenians and Georgians in Turkey: Their
Astonishing Architectural Legacy,” will be given by Henry Matthews of the
WSU School of Architecture.

Lori Wiest, WSU School of Music and Theatre Arts, will present “The Art of
the Madrigal” on Oct. 12.

“An Artist’s Journey” is the topic of the Oct. 19 lecture by Sharon Tetley,
University of Idaho art department.

Art a la Carte finishes its fall program Oct. 26 with “The Literary Gourmet:
Readings and Recipes from the World of Literature,” featuring various guest
presenters and food offerings. Ticket information will be announced later.

Each weekly program, sponsored by the Museum of Art and the Compton
Union Building, is set for 12:10 p.m. in the CUB’s Cascade Room 123.
