PULLMAN, Wash. — Pullman’s Summer Palace 2000 continues next week at
Washington State University with E.B. White’s popular children’s story,
“Charlotte’s Web.”
The play runs 7:30 p.m. July 13-15 and 2 p.m. July 15 and 16 in Daggy Hall’s
Wadleigh Theatre.
“‘Charlotte’s Web’ is a children’s classic that many people have loved since
they were kids,” said George Caldwell, palace managing director. Released in
1952, the story moved to heights of popularity and critical acclaim. A brilliant
and masterful spider, Charlotte, played by Emily Squyer, saves a loving pig,
Wilbur, played by David Sampson, from death.
Friendship, adventure and miracles, life and death, and the passing of time are
the essence of White’s serious, yet playful, literary classic about life on an
American farm.
“Charlotte’s Web” is directed by Phyllis Gooden-Young, a WSU dance
instructor and self-proclaimed animal lover. She recently directed “for colored
girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf” during the
1999-00 university season. Gooden-Young also serves as choreographer for
the late July palace production of “Godspell.”
“‘Charlotte’s Web’ is such a popular story. It can be difficult, but it is a fun
challenge,” the director said.
In addition to the company members, Gooden-Young selected several
community members for roles in the show.
“Summer Palace can and should involve children every summer,” she said.
Beginning as a young volunteer performer can become a stepping stone for
summer theater.
Pullman’s Joe Shrope began several years ago in “The King and I” and “Bye
Bye Birdie.” Now, he is a paid company member, Gooden-Young said.
Early in what she hopes is an acting career is Kristin Telin who plays Fern,
Wilbur’s best human friend and surrogate mother. Telin’s brother and sister,
Kendra and Cole, also are in the play. Other cast members include Stacie
Baylon, Chris Burton, Ryan Childers, Asti Gallina, Benjamin Gonzales, Xenia
Huffman-Scott, Ashley Johnson, Sarah Martinez, Charles Mayer, Rebekah
Nice, Robbie Nice, Jessica Olson, Cathleen Ruch, Virginia Sutfin, Victoria-Pearl
Young, Joylissa Vleck and Erin Wise. Company member Hillori Geissler serves
as stage manager.
The cast will be available after each performance to meet and talk with the
Tickets are $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and $4 for WSU students and youth.
They are on sale from 1:30-4 p.m. Monday through Friday by calling the
university theatre box office, 335-7236. Tickets can be picked up in advance or
paid at the show.
Summer Palace also has blocks of tickets available for groups and theater
parties. Special discounts for school and church groups, too, are available.
Ticket questions can be directed to the box office.