WSU Satellite Libraries to Remain Open

PULLMAN, Wash. — Three satellite libraries, which were being considered for
closure, will remain in operation at Washington State University.

The library consolidation proposal was a measure intended to help meet
budget reallocations. Closure of the Brain Education, Fischer Agricultural
Sciences, and Architecture libraries would have accounted for annual savings
of approximately $75,000.

After studying the proposal and considering many faculty, student and staff
requests not to close the satellites, the President’s Budget Council and the
Provost agreed to take the closures off the table.

Provost Rom Markin said that although the branch libraries are expensive,
there are good reasons to maintain their operation. “The economics bode
strongly for closure, but the academic purpose and convenience for users bore
greater weight in this decision,” said Markin.

Markin has directed Mary Doyle, interim director of libraries, to look into other
areas and sources to meet the overall budget reallocation total.
