WSU Plans Summer Science Camp

PULLMAN, Wash. — Young teens will take over many science laboratories at
Washington State University in July during the WSU Cougar Summer Science

Students who have completed the eighth or ninth grade can participate in the
July 9-15 camp on the Pullman campus. The campers will spend time in science
labs and take field trips to WSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine, computing
center, radio and television studios, planetarium, observatory and other
university units.

“The camp is a week of events that showcases WSU, but focuses on science,”
explained camp director Brian Weissbart. “We hope to stimulate the minds of
camp participants and show them an exciting, intellectual world full of

Weissbart, a member of the chemistry faculty, works with the university’s New
Student Programs as an academic adviser. “As an adviser, I meet students who
are about to take courses at the university for the first time. Many are unaware
of the types of courses they will need to take in order to achieve their career
goals,” he said. “Many fields require a significant number or science courses
that the students fear. During the camp, we hope to show the students that
science is something to be enjoyed and explored, not feared.”

Two student groups that include WSU honors students and chemistry
researchers will assist with the camp.

The WSU science summer camp began in 1983 by chemistry professor Glenn
Crosby, who asked Weissbart to direct the 2000 camp.

Application deadline is June 12. For camp information, contact Weissbart at
509/335-2325, or e-mail The camp’s Web site is located
