‘Ask Dr. Universe’ Wins Silver Medal in National CASE Competition

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University’s “Ask Dr. Universe”
interactive Web site has won a silver medal in the national 2000 CASE Circle of
Excellence Awards Program.

The internationally recognized Web site, www.wsu.edu/DrUniverse/, allows
anyone to submit science questions, which Dr. Universe staff answer daily.
WSU professors also provide answers in a biweekly column, which appears in
25 newspapers.

CASE is the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. Members of
CASE include universities, colleges and schools across the United States,
Canada and elsewhere in the world.

There were 143 entries in the Web sites competition, said Joanne Catlett, CASE
awards programming director. WSU, Mount Holyoke College of
Massachusetts and the University of Georgia received silver medals. Golds
went to the University of Edinburgh and the University of Wales,
Aberystwyth. Bronze medals went to the University of California, San
Francisco; the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the University
of Manitoba.

Dr. Universe is a service of WSU’s News and Information Services and the
university’s Office of Research.

Tim Steury is the “Ask Dr. Universe” Web site director and editor of Universe,
WSU’s magazine of research, scholarship and the arts. Carol Hill is Web site
designer. Ask Dr. Universe writers are WSU graduate students Kate Petersen,
Boise, Idaho; and Krystal Walker, Milford, Utah. Petersen is a doctoral
candidate in genetics and cell biology. Walker is working towards a master’s
degree in regional planning.
