WSU Again Ranked Among Top 10 Wired Universities

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University is ranked among the most
advanced in the nation when it comes to use of the Internet and technology
access for students. In its latest survey, Yahoo! Internet Life magazine has
chosen WSU as the ninth most wired university overall, ranking it number one
in the West and tops among PAC-10 schools.

“We are extremely pleased to receive this recognition from Yahoo! Internet Life
magazine,” said WSU president Sam Smith. “WSU has long been committed to
using technology in education and to providing the highest degree of access
for students. This survey recognizes the fact that we are in step with the
rapidly changing world of the Internet and that we are utilizing the most
current technology available.”

The magazine annually surveys colleges and universities for their use of
technology and the Internet. Participation in this year’s survey tripled from one
year ago, with nearly 1,300 schools from all 50 states responding.

In the survey, universities and colleges are rated in some 40 categories
including access and infrastructure, administrative services, general resources
and student support.

Other northwest universities in the top 50 include the University of Idaho at
number 13, Oregon State at 35 and the University of Oregon at 49. The next
highest rated PAC-10 school is UCLA, at number 10 overall. Among smaller
schools surveyed, Whitman College is ranked at number 26.

In the 1999 Yahoo! survey, WSU was seventh overall and ranked as the top
public university.
