Committee Names WSU Mom of the Year Finalists

PULLMAN, Wash. — A selection committee has named four finalists for
Washington State University’s Mom of the Year 2000. The award is given
every year as part of the university’s annual Mom’s Weekend.

WSU junior Delia Chavez of Sunnyside nominated her mother, Antonia, “for all
the experiences, good and bad, that I have lived with my mother. She has and
always will be my inspiration for success.”

Antonia immigrated to the United States from a Mexican village. She taught
herself to read and write, having never attended school. She worked as a
migrant worker to support her 12 children, of which Delia is the youngest.

“My mother pulled me aside and spoke with me the day of my high school
graduation. She told me that in the future I would encounter greater
challenges, but no matter what I was faced with, to keep in mind that what
does not kill us only makes us stronger, and to never forget who I was and
where I came from,” the WSU junior said.

Susan Oakes of Kaloa, Hawaii, was nominated by daughters Cathy and
Jennifer. Susan, a single mother of three, worked from dawn to dusk to provide
for her children. She returned to school at age 44 and became a nurse. She now
works at two clinics on Kauai that cater to low-income families.

“She could make much more money somewhere else, but remembers what it
was like to be poor and in need of health care,” her daughters said. “I don’t
believe she would want to work anywhere else.”

She is a devout Christian and contributes much time and effort to her church.

“My mother gives money like she has never known poverty, comfort like she
has never known pain, and love to all those who come in contact with her,” the
two WSU seniors said.

Melody Page of Mount Vernon nominated her mother, Yvonne, because “my
mother has an amazing power of love. The one thing I’ve never questioned in
my life was whether or not my parents love me.”

Yvonne is a WSU graduate and a member of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. She
works for the City of Arlington, served as the local area director of the United
Way for several years and founded Mount Vernon Women in Business.

Margretta Scammell of Spokane said her mother, Christy, “is my stable ship
when I am sinking. Her smile can lighten the darkest of days.”

Christy graduated from WSU in 1972. She was president of Delta Delta Delta
sorority and senior Greek senator for the Association of Women Students. She
has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education.

In Spokane, she has served on boards, including those for the Ronald
McDonald House, Women Helping Women and the Parent Teacher

“I want her to know how much she is admired,” Margretta said. “I am where I
am today because of the influence my mother has upon me.”

This year’s Mom of the Year finalists will be honored at the annual Mom’s
Weekend brunch set for Saturday at 10 a.m. in the Compton Union Building
Ballroom. The Mom of the Year will be announced at that time. For ticket
information, contact the Women’s Resource Center at 509/335-6849.
