Faculty Members Honored by Disability Awareness Association

PULLMAN, Wash. — Five Washington State University faculty members were
honored recently by the WSU Disability Awareness Association.

Students with disabilities nominated faculty members for the fourth annual
“Faculty of the Year” award to honor those who “treat students with dignity
and respect, but don’t make them feel like they are really, really different
because of their disabilities,” said association President Jolene Crancer, a
student from Bothell.

John Crane of zoology/biology was selected by association members as the
award winner. His nomination spoke of his character and “how he treats all the
students exactly the same, not making disabled students feel out of place,” she

Other nominees were LeRoy Ashby of history; Paulette Mills of human
development; Amy Mobley, a teaching assistant in foreign
languages/Spanish; and Michael Pope of geology.

“Professor Crane and all of nominees have our thanks for their commitment to
a quality educational experience for all students,” Crancer said.
