Sigma Nu Fraternity Sanctioned for Reckless Endangerment

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Washington State University Conduct Board will
impose sanctions on the Sigma Nu Fraternity and one of its members for
violations of the student conduct code. The board decided to impose the
sanctions after a conduct hearing on March 28; the formal findings will be
released within 10 days.

One individual was cited for having recklessly endangered another member by
binding him with duct tape. An unrelated fire occurred the same night, Feb. 18,
and the bound individual was found by firefighters.

The individual member will be subject to several disciplinary sanctions.

The Sigma Nu chapter was not held responsible for the duct-taping incident.
However, in a separate finding, the fraternity was ruled to have recklessly
endangered some freshmen members during an incident that occurred on
February 2. On that occasion fraternity members dropped off the freshmen in a
remote field and left them.

The fraternity will be subject to a number of disciplinary sanctions. They
include, but are not limited to, significant community service activity, the
addition of a live-in advisor and participation in fire/life safety education
classes. The fraternity will also be required to organize and sponsor an event,
for the larger Greek population, to address values, safety or another related
