‘Kennewick Man on Trial’ Exhibit Due April 3-9

PULLMAN, Wash. — The “Kennewick Man in Trial” exhibit from the Burke
Museum of Natural History and Culture in Seattle will be on display at
Washington State University’s Museum of Anthropology April 3-29.

Through text, photos, maps and historic illustrations, the exhibit explores the
issues surrounding the ancient human remains known as the Kennewick Man
discovered along the banks of the Columbia River, said Mary Collins, museum
assistant director. No remains will be displayed.

The exhibit will show the discovery of the ancient human remains. It explores
anthropological issues currently under debate, from how and when people first
came to the Americas, to changing thoughts about the nature of race, Collins
said. It will also explore the science involved in answering questions about the
age and physical characteristics of the individual, as well as the legal and
ethical ramifications of the discovery.

In addition to the exhibit, the museum will be sponsoring a series of
presentations by various experts. The series begins April 10 with “Kennewick
Man and the Study of Early Americans” by Gary Huckleberry, a WSU
geoarchaeologist. The talk is set for 4:10-5 p.m. in College Hall, Room 125.

Next in the series is “Native American Claims to the Past” by Rebecca Tsosie,
a professor of law at Arizona State University. The taped presentation will be
shown at 4:10 p.m. April 17 in College Hall, Room 125.

The final presentation in the series will be “The Bones Speak to Me,”
presented by Noel Boaz, a biological anthropologist from Spokane. He will
speak at 4:10 p.m. April 24 in College Hall, Room 125.

The exhibit and presentations are open to the public without charge. The
museum is located on the first floor of WSU’s College Hall. Hours are 9 a.m.-4
p.m., Monday-Friday. It will also be open Saturday, April 15, from 10 a.m.-2
p.m. as a part of Mom’s Weekend activities.

The programs are made possible by support from the department of
anthropology and the college of liberal arts at WSU, the Norman Archibald
Charitable Foundation, the Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation, Microsoft
Corporation, U.S. Bank, the Washington Commission for the Humanities, the
WSU Graduate School and Vice Provost for Research, and the University of
Washington’s College of Arts and Sciences.
