Disciplinary Action Expected After Weekend Incidents

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University officials have begun a
process leading to possible disciplinary action for students involved in an
unruly street gathering on March 4. Disciplinary action is also anticipated for
students who participated in an unrelated brawl between two fraternities the
same night.

The street incident involved approximately 500 students who gathered at the
scene of a loud party in the Greek Row area. Some bottles and rocks were
thrown as police tried to disperse the crowd.

Assistant Dean of Students Cindy Empey was at the scene. She says students
from the Greek system were instrumental in preventing greater problems.
“There was some real leadership demonstrated by the students who helped
defuse the situation. They are the ones who deserve credit for assisting police
in keeping things from escalating.” Empey says student leaders asked
fraternity and sorority members and other students to return to their
residences and were successful.

This week, WSU Student Affairs personnel will interview students who were
identified as having taken part in bottle throwing and other inappropriate
behavior. If it is determined that conduct charges are appropriate, the students
will go before a University Conduct Review Board for disciplinary action.

Students who are charged with criminal offenses will automatically be subject
to conduct reviews. Two students were charged with being minors in
possession of alcohol at the street gathering. At least one student has been
charged with assault in the unrelated fraternity fight, which occurred sometime
after the street incident. Other arrests may be pending.

If individual students are found in violation of university conduct policies, the
disciplinary action may include a combination of things. Students may be
ordered to undergo educational intervention such as classes on alcohol abuse
or anger management. Other possible actions include community service,
probation or even expulsion from the university.

Organizations may also be subject to discipline. The fraternities involved in the
fight could be sanctioned, and in the worst case, lose recognition from the

Disciplinary hearings must follow a strict procedure and may take from four to
six weeks to complete.
