Teacher Association President to Speak at Student Education Conference

PULLMAN, Wash. — Lee Ann Prielipp, president of the Washington
Education Association, will be the featured speaker at a Washington State
University conference organized for education students by the WSU Student
Washington Education Association.

Any student interested in a career in education is invited to attend the SWEA
Pre-Professional Conference, to be held at WSU’s Compton Union Building on
Saturday, March 4, according to SWEA President David Karr. The conference
will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m.

Speakers at the conference will focus on topics of interest to future teachers,
including first-year teaching, classroom management and social identities.

The conference, and the lunch provided, will be offered at no cost to students.
Attendees must pre-register for the conference, and pay a $5 registration
deposit that will be returned upon attendance at the conference.

Registration forms are available on the SWEA bulletin board on the second
floor of WSU’s Cleveland Hall. More information about registration is available
through Sara Weber by e-mail at saralynn96@hotmail.com .
