WSU Spring Enrollment Little Changed, Fall Applications Sharply Upward

PULLMAN, Wash. — Spring semester enrollment numbers at Washington
State University are down less than one percent from those of one year ago.
However, overall applications for fall admissions are up 12.7 percent.

Statewide, on a headcount basis, there are a total of 19,816 students enrolled,
43 fewer than in spring of 1999.

On a full time equivalent basis (FTE), each of the branch campuses has shown
an increase and the Pullman campus has a slight decrease. An FTE represents
one undergraduate student enrolled in 15 semester credits or one graduate
student enrolled in 10 credits.

The WSU campus in Pullman has a headcount enrollment of 16,817, an
increase of .03 percent from 1999. FTE enrollment is off by 1.3 percent.

At WSU Spokane, headcount enrollment has increased to the highest ever for
spring semester, with 463 students registered. This represents an increase of
5.7 percent. The campus has an increase of 9.3 percent in FTE.

At WSU Tri-Cities, headcount is 1,058 students, a decrease of 2.3 percent,
while FTE enrollment is up .5 percent.

WSU Vancouver has a 3.1 percent decrease in headcount with 1,478 students,
while FTE increased .5 percent.

“Although enrollment is essentially flat this year, we are very encouraged by
the rise in applications for the fall semester,” said President Samuel Smith. “Our
expanded recruitment and marketing efforts, combined with the recognition
given to WSU as a great place to get an education, are beginning to bear fruit.”

Increasing applications in the area of multicultural student enrollment
encourages WSU officials. Although there has been a decline of 7.3 percent in
students of color this spring, multicultural student applications are up 5
percent for next fall.

Overall, applications for prospective freshmen are up 8.8 percent compared to
this time last year. Transfer student applications are up 47.4 percent.
