WSU Police to Offer Citizens’ Academy

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Washington State University police department will
sponsor a Citizens’ Police Academy beginning Feb. 17. The 10-week program
is designed to educate the public about police operations at WSU.

The Citizens’ Academy will meet twice a week from 7-10 p.m. on Monday and

Academy coursework is designed to give community members an appreciation
for law enforcement while learning of the challenges and demands police
officers encounter in the performance of their duties. It is not intended to serve
as an accredited law enforcement course.

The Citizens’ Police Academy will also enable participants to interact with law
enforcement officers to achieve solutions to community problems pertaining to
crime, fear of crime and livability issues.

During the 10-week course of instruction, participants are presented various
courses involving criminal justice topics such as theories and causes of
criminal behavior, criminal and civil law, patrol procedures, traffic law
enforcement, criminal investigations, crime prevention, and
community-oriented policing philosophies. In addition to classroom
instruction, participants are given an opportunity to display their newly
acquired skills and knowledge in practical, hands-on demonstrations.

Participants in the WSU police department’s Citizens’ Police Academy are
chosen from the general public and must meet certain qualifications to apply.
Class size is limited to 30 participants. Preference will be given to applicants
who demonstrate affiliation with WSU. Affiliation may include faculty, staff or
student status. All participants must be at least 18 years of age by Feb. 14,
2000, and not have a criminal history. There is no fee for attending the Citizens’
Police Academy.

Applications are now available at the Public Safety Building located on Wilson
Road across from Martin Stadium, through inter-campus mail or from the WSU
police department’s Web page at

For more information, contact Chief William Mercier or Captain Mike Kenny at
