WSU Joins Forces with Washington National Guard to Recruit Students

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University and the Washington
National Guard have formed a partnership to provide tuition waivers for guard
members who want to complete a college education. The incentive program is
the first of its kind and is expected to be a national model for military student

The program will reduce WSU tuition for recruits by $1,500 per school year. It
will also provide space-available housing waivers. Combined with other
incentives, full-time National Guard students will be able to fund almost all of
their tuition costs. Part-time students will also receive waivers of $50 per credit

Student enrollment at WSU is expected to rise as promotion efforts begin.
“National Guard recruiters who actively work with young people throughout
the state can now help bring students to WSU,” says Lt. Col. Jay Ebbeson,
professor and chair of Military Science. “The ability to advance one’s civilian
education is very important to advancement in a military career.”

WSU Vice Provost Doug Baker says the program will make higher education
available to many more students statewide. “There are some 6,300 guardsmen
and women in the state who have taken some college credits and would like to
complete their education. With these tuition incentives, students can take
advantage of our distance education technology that delivers degree programs
for place-bound individuals.”

Guard members who choose to attend WSU may qualify for more financial
incentives if they also enroll in Army or Air Force ROTC.

Members of Washington’s congressional delegation are enthusiastic about
the program.

Fifth District Representative George Nethercutt praised the program for its
foresight. “I am very pleased to see WSU take the lead on this important issue.
Higher education is extremely valuable to our National Guard personnel, and
this program will provide great incentives for guard members to obtain a
college degree.”

Representative Norm Dicks from Washington’s 6th Congressional District
says the program is “a terrific way to reward our National Guard members for
the important work they do. It is great to see Washington State University
leading the nation in this effort.”

Recruiting efforts will begin immediately. The waiver program will be in effect
beginning with the fall 2000 semester.
