Regents Reviewing Short List of Presidential Candidates

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University’s regents are mulling a
short list of recommended candidates for the successor to President Samuel H.
Smith, board President Peter Goldmark announced Friday at a public meeting

The Board of Regents has received from the search committee a number of
names, in the range of two to five individuals, for consideration to become the
ninth president of WSU, Goldmark said. From those recommended candidates,
the regents will select the finalists sometime in early February.

“The regents, like the committee, are very excited about the caliber of
candidates,” said Goldmark, who chaired the 14-member search committee. The
list includes people who currently are presidents or provosts, and includes
both men and women.

The board expects to name a new president by March 1.

In other action, the board:

— announced it has created a three-member subcommittee to work with WSU
faculty and staff on the enrollment shortfall that the Pullman campus has
experienced. The members are Ken Alhadeff, Seattle, Rob Fukai, Spokane, and
Bernadett Buchanan, student regent, Spokane.

— outlined a set of strategic initiatives for the next president, including
refinement of the administration of the WSU system, academic quality and
faculty salaries, diversity, enrollment planning and coordination, use of
technology in instruction, private fund raising and legislative initiatives.

— approved a revised intellectual property policy that encourages research and
development through rewards and incentives. The policy also better defines
faculty rights and responsibilities involving patents, copyrights and other
protection of proprietary information.

— approved changes in the university’s tuition waiver policy. The changes will
allow greater flexibility in the use of waivers to attract top quality students who
might not otherwise attend WSU.
