WSU Students Can Earn Credit for Microsoft Certification Classes

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University students may now enroll in
four academic credit classes in the College of Business and Economics leading
to Microsoft certification.

The four sections of Management Information Systems 499 (Special Topics)
will be offered in consecutive three-week intervals, says Jonathan Johnson,
program coordinator. All of the courses will be taught from 5-9 p.m. Monday,
Wednesday and Friday. The classes are held in Todd 109, a state-of-the-art
networked computer laboratory.

Course titles and dates offered are: NT Enterprise Technologies, Jan. 31-Feb.
18; Microsoft TCP/IP, Feb. 21-March 10; MS Internet Information Server,
March 20-April 7; and MS FrontPage 2000, April 10-28.

The for-credit courses come on the heels of for-fee courses leading to
certification that began in fall 1999. Thirteen sections of six courses in the
Microsoft Authorized Academic Training Provider program were offered then
by the college in conjunction with WSU Student Computing Services. Those
courses, with a cost substantially under market, were tremendously popular
with students, faculty and staff at WSU. This semester, seven similar courses
— including those also offered for WSU credit — are available.

Other services supporting the certification offerings will soon be available.
Starting in February, on-campus testing for certification qualification will
begin, says Johnson. The Office of Technology is expected to begin offering
Oracle Corp. database administration classes leading to certification in fall

For more information, contact Johnson at 509/335-8326, or visit the Web site at
