WSU Regents to Meet in Pullman and Seattle

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Washington State University Board of Regents will
hold two meetings this week. The board will meet in executive session at 5:00
p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 12, in the Westin Hotel, 1900 5th Ave., Seattle. The
regents will also meet in their regular public session at 9:00 a.m. Friday, Jan. 14,
in the Lewis Alumni Centre on the Pullman campus.

The meeting on Wednesday is to evaluate the applications of candidates for
the position of president. No action will be taken at this meeting. On Friday,
the regents will receive an update on the search for a successor to President
Samuel Smith, who is retiring in July.

In other business on Friday the regents are expected to approve changes in
the university’s tuition waiver policy. The changes will allow greater flexibility
in the use of waivers to attract top quality students who might not otherwise
attend WSU.

The regents will also take action on a change in the WSU intellectual property
policy. This update recognizes changes in technology that result in a need to
better define faculty rights and responsibilities.

Agenda packets will be available at the door.
