Herb Hill Appointed Associate Dean of Graduate School

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University faculty member Herbert H.
Hill has been appointed associate dean of the WSU Graduate School. Hill, a
professor of chemistry, has been with the university since 1976.

Graduate School Dean Karen DePauw says Hill will help strengthen the links
between graduate education and research. “As an active member of the
graduate faculty in chemistry, Herb will bring valuable experiences and
perspectives to the Graduate School. He supports our efforts to increase the
visibility of graduate education at WSU.”

Hill earned his doctorate in chemistry at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova
Scotia in 1975. He was elected to the graduate faculty at WSU in 1977. Hill
served as director of the Office of Grant and Research Development from

He has been a guest professor at Kyoto University in Japan, and a visiting
professor at the University of Bayreuth in Germany.

Hill’s appointment became effective on Jan. 3. He will continue to teach and
direct graduate students in the chemistry department.