PULLMAN, Wash. — “U.S. and China Relations in the New Century” is the topic of a lecture
next month on the Washington State University campus by Sandra J. Kristoff, former White
House special assistant.
The 2-4 p.m. lecture is set for Nov. 12 in Todd Hall, Room 216 and is open to the public
without charge.
Kristoff is currently New York Life International’s senior vice president for International
Government Affairs. She represents NYLI in the Washington policy-making community and with
foreign government representatives.
In her 22-year career with the federal government, Kristoff served as the National Security
Council’s senior director for Asian Affairs and on the National Economic Council as senior
director for Asia Pacific Economic Affairs.
Before her tenure at the White House, Kristoff served as deputy assistant secretary of state
for East Asia and Pacific Affairs and as a U.S. trade representative for Asia and the Pacific.
Kristoff holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from American University and a doctor of law
degree from George Washington University Law School.
Her address is sponsored by WSU’s Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public
Service, International Programs of WSU and the University of Idaho, and the UI Martin Institute
for Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution.