Journalist Plans WSU Campus Talk

PULLMAN, Wash. — Freelance journalist Bryan Di Salvatore, a frequent contributor to The
New Yorker and Outside, will lecture on “America — the Imperfect Diamond: A Flinty-Eyed Look
at the Good Old Days” Oct. 29 at Washington State University.
The 12:10-1:15 p.m. public talk and following discussion are planned for Wilson Hall, Room
333, as part of the American Studies Colloquium series.
Di Salvatore’s recent book, “A Clever Base-Ballist: The Life and Times of John Montgomery
Ward,” is a social history of the 19th century told via Ward’s biography.
On Thursday, Oct. 28, Di Salvatore will visit creative writing and Honors English classes,
then present a reading from 4:10-5 p.m. in Avery Hall’s Bundy Reading Room.