Search for New President Officially Underway

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Washington State University Board of Regents has officially
begun the search for a new president. The position description and qualifications will be
advertised beginning with the Oct. 1 edition of the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Advertisements will also be placed with a diverse mix of journals, newspapers and
magazines including academic, Native American, African American, Hispanic, Asian and
women’s publications.
Current WSU President Samuel Smith, who is serving in his 15th year as president, has
announced plans to retire next July.
In late August, the WSU regents formed a 14-member search committee, which includes
representatives from all university constituencies. The committee developed criteria for the new
president, which were discussed by the regents at their Sept. 10 meeting. The regents also
approved a set of guidelines for the conduct of the search.
Among the listed qualifications, the ideal president should be: a highly respected leader with
a commitment to academic excellence, scholarship and research; an experienced manager and
fundraiser; student oriented; capable of energizing, attracting and retaining a diverse highly
talented faculty, staff and student body; an excellent communicator; and committed to diversity.
The regents invite comments from those interested in the search. Comments may be
addressed to Peter Goldmark, presidential search committee chair, P.O. Box 641048, Pullman WA
Applications for the position will be accepted until a selection is made. The compete text of
the search criteria can be accessed via the Internet at