WSU Adopts Policy on Technology, Electronic Publishing

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University faculty, staff and students now have a
clear set of guidelines governing electronic publishing and the appropriate use of computing
resources, information technology and networks. The Faculty Senate and administration have
adopted the new policy, which is effective immediately.
The electronic publishing and appropriate use policy was established to provide clear
guidelines to WSU employees and students on the use of computers and technology that is
consistent with state law governing public resources.
Freedom of speech is protected under the new policy with regard to personal web pages and
other electronic forms of expression. However, clear boundaries are set for users of these WSU
Web pages must comply with existing laws and contain specific information. Among the
requirements, each web page must clearly state the identity and contact information for the
individual creating the page. It must also contain a link to the WSU copyright statement and the
disclaimer, which includes the freedom of expression policy.
All users of WSU electronic resources are required to adhere to the law and to university
policies. Restrictions include, but are not limited to, private business activity, unauthorized
access to any portion of the system, violating anti-discrimination policies, intentionally
disseminating obscenity, sending unsolicited e-mail (spam), engaging in political activities and
intentionally interfering with others’ use of the resources.
The complete text of the electronic publishing and appropriate use policy can be accessed
from the bottom of the main WSU homepage at