Freidenrich to Preside at WSU Alumni Association Meeting

PULLMAN, Wash. — Shari Halldorson Freidenrich, president of the Washington State
University Alumni Association for 1999-2000, will preside at the fall board of directors’ meeting
Sept. 24-25 in the Lewis Alumni Centre. More than 40 alumni directors and their deputies from 27
alumni districts throughout the United States are expected to attend, along with representatives
from all of the university’s academic colleges.
Freidenrich, city treasurer of Huntington Beach, Calif., is a 1982 WSU graduate in business
administration and a native of South Bend, Wash. She joined the Alumni Association board in
1986 as a deputy director in Southern California, and has served on a number of committees
before assuming the presidency in May.
The Alumni Association meets twice yearly and represents more than 120,000 WSU
graduates and former students. As part of her responsibilities, Freidenrich also represents WSU
alumni at meetings of the Board of Regents and the WSU Foundation.
Freidenrich is active in the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club,
Soroptomists International and the California Municipal Treasurers Association.