WSU Regents to Discuss Presidential Search Criteria

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Washington State University Board of Regents will hear a
progress report on the search for a new president, discuss budget issues and consider raising
on-campus parking fees when they meet at 9 a.m. in the Lewis Alumni Centre on Sept. 10.
A 14-member committee, consisting of various WSU constituent groups, has been formed to
assist the regents in their search for the university’s ninth president. The committee includes
regents, faculty, students, administrators, staff, an alumnus and a WSU Foundation trustee.
The committee is expected to release a list of candidate qualifications for the position that
will be advertised later this month.
In other business, the regents will get a look at the university’s draft supplemental budget
request to the 2000 Legislature. The request will include more money for faculty retention and
funding for a Health Sciences Initiative in Spokane.
The regents will also be asked to approve a parking fee increase for annual permit holders.
An increase in hourly parking fees was approved in June.
Under the proposed fee increase, permit prices would increase from 1.55 percent to 5.5
percent, depending on the parking zone. The increase is needed to help pay for system
maintenance and operation, and for new facilities such as the parking portion of the new
Teaching and Learning Center, which is now under construction.