Education College Appoints Associate Dean

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University College of Education Dean Judy
Mitchell announced that Dennis Warner, professor in the Department of Educational
Leadership and Counseling Psychology, has accepted a two-year appointment as associate dean
of the college. He replaces Mary Gardiner, who is now on maternity leave.
Warner, who came to the education college in 1968 as an assistant professor, will begin on
Aug. 17.
Warner has served the college in various administrative roles since 1985. He was chair of
the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology from 1985 to 1993 and
simultaneously served as the interim chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning from
1989 to 1991. He was the director of the Center for Educational Partnerships from 1993 to
1994 and the acting chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning in 1998.
“This is an exciting time at the College of Education with so many positive things
happening,” Warner said. “I am looking forward to working with our dean, Judy Mitchell.”