Ragtime, American Piano Music Program Planned July 27

PULLMAN, Wash. — Performer Scott Kirby will present a program of ragtime and American piano music July 27 during an 8 p.m. concert on the Washington State University campus. The show is set for Bryan Hall Auditorium and open to the public without charge.
Kirby is an acknowledged master of the ragtime classics of Scott Joplin, Joseph Lamb and James Scott. In his performance he also includes the connection from ragtime to early jazz by adding the music of Jelly Roll Morton and boogie. In the last few years, he has included music from Cuba and South America, as well as his own compositions, bringing the entire spectrum of American music to his concerts.
Kirby’s recent recordings include “Grace and Beauty,” featuring lesser-known ragtime of the turn of the century, and “On Lincoln Place,” representing his own compositions.
The program is sponsored by the WSU Summer Recreation Committee and the School of Music and Theatre Arts.
