No Dogs Allowed on Hitchcock Equine Research Track

PULLMAN, Wash. — Dog owners in the Pullman community are reminded that until further
notice the Hitchcock Equine Research Track is off limits to dogs.
The track is located off Olympia Avenue on the south central edge of campus. The new
restriction covers all areas of the track, including the infield, arena and the racetrack surface. New
signs have been posted in the area.
“In our ongoing research studies in locomotion, we are looking at the relationship between
horses’ hooves and different track surface preparations,” said Marc Ratzlaff, professor of
veterinary anatomy. “For the health and safety of riders and horses as well as people’s pets, it is
essential that the public keep their dogs away from the track area at all times until further notice.”
Special track surface preparations requiring the use of heavy equipment are necessary for
the studies. Ratzlaff explained that running dogs on the track or other areas of the facility can
affect the amount of labor needed to prepare for each study and can disrupt certain preparations.
“We appreciate the public’s cooperation and understanding,” said Ratzlaff.