Summer School Enrollments Up and Online

PULLMAN, Wash. — More Washington State University students are taking summer school
classes than one year ago and, for the first time, students can add and drop courses via the
Internet throughout the entire Summer Session.
As of June 2, 4,661 students are enrolled, up 136 from the same period last summer.
However, the number of registered students changes daily.
Three blocks of summer classes are offered: an early six-week block ending June 18, an
eight-week block beginning June 7 and a late six-week block beginning June 21. Various other
courses are on independent time schedules.
Summer school officials say the number of students enrolling has increased steadily and
may reflect the ability to add and drop classes through the online registration system, called
Moving Enrollment to Real-Time Opportunities or METRO.
Revenue generated from the Summer Session courses is used to pay instructors and related
expenses. Summer classes help students to complete required courses and may accelerate their
degree programs.