Inland Northwest Research Alliance Becomes Partner in INEEL Operations

The selection of Bechtel B&W Idaho to be the new manager of the Idaho National
Engineering and Environmental Laboratory will bring about a significant expansion of the
research and educational activities of seven Inland Northwest universities.
The universities have formed the Inland Northwest Research Alliance (INRA). The alliance
is one of three partners that make up Bechtel B&W Idaho.
The seven universities are the University of Idaho, Idaho State University, Boise State
University, Utah State University, Washington State University, University of Montana and
Montana State University.
INRA Board of Directors issued the following statement:
“This is a remarkable opportunity for our faculties and students to be an integral part of one
of the federal government’s national laboratories. We have been extensively involved in the
development of the Bechtel B&W Idaho proposal to operate INEEL and will now begin working
with our partners to take over the operation of the laboratory on Oct. 1.
“By harnessing the collective capabilities of all seven of our universities, we offer a
tremendous resource base for activities at the laboratory. The selection of Bechtel B&W Idaho
to operate INEEL will prompt many exciting changes at the laboratory, including significant
expansion in research activities. Obviously, we are delighted that we are part of this effort.”
Board members representing the universities making up the alliance are University of Idaho
President Bob Hoover, Idaho State University President Richard Bowen, Boise State University
President Charles Ruch, Utah State University President George Emert, Washington State
University President Samuel Smith, Montana State University President Michael Malone and
University of Montana President George Dennison.
In addition to research programs, the universities will also play a major role in education,
training and outreach activities of INEEL. Bechtel B&W Idaho will take over operation of the
laboratory Oct. 1 under a contract with the Department of Energy that runs until Sept. 30, 2004.