Interim Leadership in University Advancement Named

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University President Samuel H. Smith has named
interim leadership for the University Advancement area while a national search is conducted for
a new vice president responsible for the WSU Foundation and the WSU Alumni Association.
Connie Kravas, vice president for University Advancement, leaves at the end of May for a
vice presidential post at the University of California, Riverside.
Greg Sheridan will hold the title of associate vice president of University Advancement
during the transition. He currently is executive director for major gifts and development programs
for WSU. He also holds the title of senior vice president of the WSU Foundation.
Both Sheridan and Keith Lincoln, executive director of the WSU Alumni Association, will
report to Sally Savage, vice president for administration and university counsel, effective May
15, Smith said.
“This is an approach we used successfully some years ago when we had a transition
between vice presidents,” Smith said. “Our relationships with our alumni and donors are very
important to the university, and this approach ensures a close working relationship between the
president’s office and the advancement staff.
Sheridan came to WSU in 1994 from Eastern Washington University, where he served as
director of development and associate vice president for advancement. His 24-year career in
development also includes service at the University of California, Davis, and the Montana
College of Mineral Science and Technology.
Lincoln is WSU’s long-time alumni director, having led alumni relations since 1978. A WSU
graduate, Lincoln also served for five years as associate director of alumni relations following a
successful career in professional football.
Kravas led the university’s first comprehensive fund-raising effort, Campaign WSU. From
1974 to 1980, she held faculty and administrative posts, becoming executive director of
development and president of the WSU Foundation in 1981. She was named vice president for
university advancement in 1997.