WSU Regents to Add School of Molecular Biosciences

PULLMAN, Wash. — The Washington State University Board of Regents will consider
establishing a new School of Molecular Biosciences at its meeting on May 7 at 10:30 a.m. in the
Lewis Alumni Centre. The meeting will also mark the return of President Sam Smith, who has
been recuperating from prostate cancer surgery.
In creating the School of Molecular Biosciences, WSU will merge three departments:
biochemistry and biophysics, microbiology, and genetics and cell biology.
WSU Provost and Academic Vice President Gretchen Bataille said the reorganization “is
based on universal principles of biology rather than narrow academic disciplines, and on a desire
to improve teaching and research in this field.”
Another major item of business is the renovation of WSU’s historic White Hall. The building
was constructed in 1928 for the home economics department.
After the renovation it will house the WSU Honors College. The hall will also serve as a
residence for up to 128 honors students.
The total project cost is estimated at $15.2 million. Funding comes from WSU Housing and
Dining Fund revenue bonds and from the legislature’s 1999–2001 allocation. Construction is
expected to begin in January.